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June Update!

With June coming to a close, everyone can start getting excited for July, because July means more produce!

Right now in the Market we have our yellow cherry tomatoes, and occasionally the red cherry tomatoes are rolling through as well. We've had some fun events like Father's Day on the Farm! It was such a blast to have everyone out and about! Coming up in July keep your eyes open for some more exciting events!

As always we have our amazing baked treats, fruit breads, cookies, muffins, and occasionally cinnamon rolls and bubble bread! We have more treats like jams, canned products, and the order of Rau Bees Lahontan Valley Raw Alfalfa Honey has come in! Anyone is welcome out to the farm to walk around and enjoy the beautiful flowers that we have, visit the goats, chickens, and pheasants, or even just to come lounge out in the grass under the trees!

We are a couple of weeks away from having more produce come in, but keep your eyes peeled because we will be updating to let everyone know where we are at. Have a great couple weeks and there will be an update out then!

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